Texas State Inspection and Emissions in Humble, Tx
Specialized Truck and Auto Service is an authorized State of Texas safety and emissions inspection station. Once a year, all vehicles in the state of Texas are required to have a $7.00 safety inspection prior to purchasing your yearly registration sticker. The safety inspection includes checking:
- All lights are operational on the exterior of the vehicle
- Tread depth of the tires
- Presence of lug nuts
- Window tint not less than 25% opaque
- Presence of a mirror
- Windshield visibility
- Functionality of wipers
- Presence and functionality of seatbelts
- Stopping distance of brakes

If you live within the emissions zone in Harris County, you will also be required to undergo safety and an emissions test for $25.50 prior to purchasing your yearly registration. The safety and emission inspection include:
All safety items mentioned above and illumination of check engine light and a datalink connection from the state to the vehicle’s engine computer to see if there are any malfunctions with the emissions system.
If the check engine light is on, it will be required to be fixed before it can pass the emissions inspection.
We continuously perform state inspections and emissions throughout the day. To ensure you are served as promptly as possible, please call ahead and let us know you are coming. Specialized Truck and Auto Service can be reached at 281-883-8362.